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Just How Much Is Your Orange County Home Worth?

Just How Much Is Your Orange County Home Worth?

If you’re considering selling your Orange County home, now is a good time to start getting serious. In their August 2018 report, California Association of Realtors (CAR) found that the median sales price of existing single-family homes in Orange County is a whopping $838,500. A CoreLogic August report found that 16 zip codes in the […]

How Long Does It Take To Sell A Home in Orange County Part 2

How Long Does It Take To Sell A Home in Orange County Part 2

One of the most frustrating parts of selling your home is the waiting. You have to wait for offers to come in, for documents to be signed, inspections to be done, and then more waiting until you actually receive any sales proceeds. So how long does it take to sell your home from start to […]